
Recruit top talented freelancer for your business

Connect you to thoudsands of talented freelancer from any industry. You can have the best people in just few simple steps.



The benefit of using our platform

Professional & Fast

Search and hire the most talented freelancers to match your needs. No matter what you need done, we've got the perfect freelancer for you.

24/7 support

You have any concerns or questions? Don’t worry, we have our support team to help you at anytime and anywhere.

Safe & Secure

We know that safety is the most important thing for our customer, so all of our payments are processed instantly and securely.

Wakanda is an easy platform to find talent

  • 1Sign in to our website
  • 2Fill out neccesary information
  • 3Discover thoudsands of freelancers
  • 4View freelancer’s profile and hire
  • 5Complete payment & it’s time to work!

Explore and hire talent from our platform

We've got experts for every industry - all under one roof! You can find everything from WordPress developers to Graphic designers to copywriters and many more at Wakanda.


See what they’re saying about us

Cara Bedford

I have been using Wakanda for quite some time now and I have to say it has been the best freelance hiring platform that I've used. The quality of freelancers on this site is very high and they're totally reliable. I would highly recommend it!

Robert Fox

I’m so happy because the freelance talent we work with are more productive than we have ever thought. Recommend for people who want to find professional freelancer on this platform.

Albert Flores

I am happy to say that I have hired a couple of freelancers through Wakanda and they are high-quality ones. Working with them is not just easier; it has also been more effective. Having found a great freelance team, I cannot imagine switching to any other hiring platform.

Kathryn Murphy

One of the best things about Wakanda is that it really simplifies the process of finding and hiring people. The quality is good as well, every freelancer I've hired has been high-quality and professional. I would recommend this to anyone who needs a freelancer.

Esther Howard

have used a lot of freelance hiring platforms, but none compare to Wakanda. The quality of freelancers that I can find here is unmatched and the service is top-notch. The customer service is also excellent, which cannot be said for my previous experiences in using other apps. I would highly recommend this product for anyone looking to hire a freelancer

Eleanor Pena

I have used a number of different freelance hiring platforms and none come close to Wakanda. The quality of the freelancers on here is top notch and it's easy to browse through the listings. I've been using it for six months now and I've found my perfect freelancer without any regrets whatsoever.



Find the talent to get your business growing